Women of Achievement Nomination

Nominations are now closed.

If you know someone who demonstrates outstanding leadership and excellence in both their professional and community endeavors, nominate them to be recognized as a LiveSafe Resources’ Woman of Achievement. LiveSafe Resources will recognize and honor 15 women from the metro Atlanta area who go above and beyond. These outstanding women will be recognized at the “Tribute” event. Companies, families and friends are encouraged to support LiveSafe Resources through sponsorship in honor of their nominee.


Nominee demonstrates sustained excellence, exemplary achievement and leadership in her both chosen profession and in the community.
Nominee must be available the night of the event. (March 22, 2024)
Nominee may not be a current member of the LiveSafe Resources Board of Directors.


Complete the information below about the nominee. You may nominate more than one person. A letter indicating their nomination and a formal application will be emailed to each nominee.

Nominations Close Friday, November 17th at 12p.m.